Mponovolias Estate
Oleni, was the name of the Byzantine city, which was built about 600 years AD. and was converted around 1100 AD.
In an important cultural and economic center of the region. Oleni is today a small village, 298 meters high on a hillside, in the western Peloponnese, in the Prefecture of Ilia, 20 kilometers northeast of Ancient Olympia. The landscape structure and its geographical location, which have been extremely important and have been key elements of its history, have remained unchanged over the years to this day.
Here, then, at this place, the Theodoropoulos family, also known as Mponovolia, start in the early 1980s. We fully apply our land, our olive groves and vineyards to wine and currants, organic farming. Indeed, some crops are also governed by the laws of Rudolf Steiner's Biodynamics.
Our goal is to restore the traditional methods of cultivating of our ancestors, without the use and assistance of chemicals, for sustainable agriculture. We believe that only in this way of cultivation, in the vineyards and olive groves that grow on such natural soil, are we most likely to find the endless «smell of earth» in the wine and olive oil they give us. Terroir, as the French say.