Kakkavos Estate
Kakkavos estate is located in the area of ‘’Mesokabos’’ in Messolongi ,in a distance of about five kilometers from the city (of Messolongi).
Its name comes from the middle age word ‘’Kakkavos’’ of our language-other type of kakkavi-as our byzantine ancestors called the partridge, the beautiful bird which existed until the beginning of the past century.
There is an area of 400 acres and stretches in the slopes and among the lower hills of the last mountains of the central part of the mount Arakynthos or Zygos, a place with a wonderful view to the east. The visitor’s eyesight spreads from the deep green field and the city of Messologi up to far away, the Patraikos bay and Peloponnese, so as to end up to the Ionian Sea with the islands of Kefallinia and Zakynthos in the deep horizon.